Gaza With Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA

Host Jamie McGoldrick speaks with Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, more commonly referred to as UNRWA. Philippe has held this position since early 2020. Before this, he was Deputy UN Special Coordinator (UNSCOL) and the UN Coordinator for Lebanon. Jamie and Philippe speak about the crisis in Gaza. Philippe calls out the blatant disregard for international humanitarian law by Hamas and Israel. He details the brutal conditions for civilians and aid workers, saying the death toll is appalling. Jamie and Philippe discuss how not respecting humanitarian law in this crisis could set a precedent for behavior by states in future crises. Jamie asks him about allegations and investigations into the behavior of UNRWA staff. Other items discussed include the challenges in getting aid into Gaza and the future for Gaza once the violence subsides.